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Travel costs reduced by millions for a major mining company
Big player in the mining sector streamlines domestic travel in Australia with highly customised solutions.







The Situation

A company in the mining sector worked with a travel management company (TMC) for years yet struggled with cost visibility and travel management given the size and scale of its mining operations in Australia.

The Solution

The company partnered with American Express Global Business Travel (Amex GBT) and received a tailored application of Amex GBT’s proprietary, automated mass booking solutions. The solutions solved challenges related to waitlisting, bulk cancellations, and hotel bookings. Customised features allowed employees to expand their strategy for cost-effective, customised travel.

The Results

Automated mass booking solutions deliver the high-level discounts the company needs and the new solutions support the goal to save millions annually.

The large scope of operations meant it needed true visibility into all the mines they own and operate in Australia. The company’s current TMC worked more off-line than online, creating inefficiencies with booking travel. In turn, employees weren’t getting the required level of service and management they needed. Since the main focus was Australia, they needed a TMC that could enhance travel management capabilities in that key geographical area.

The company partnered with Amex GBT to better manage travel. Amex GBT identified the need to integrate automated mass booking solutions with the company’s systems. Key features and services were tailored to the company’s needs, including waitlisting, bulk cancellations, and hotel booking process. Those customisations help employees expand on strategy for cost-effective, customised travel. When the company’s huge workforce in India got together to learn about the new cost-effective customisations, Amex GBT was able to streamline and optimise travel arrangements using automated mass booking solutions. Employees also have the advantage of uploading their much-needed Excel sheets, a system they prefer.

The mining company now has high-level discounts and can book flexible fares in lower classes to cut costs. Over time, Amex GBT has fine-tuned automated mass booking solutions to solve for evolving needs. When a sudden change of aircraft was needed, employees booked and ticketed the change within an hour, saving them time and money. With Amex GBT, they’re able to address travel cost inefficiencies and focus on cost infrastructure improvements. For example, Amex GBT has identified ways to consolidate their contractors’ travel, extend discounted airline rates and automate mass booking process improvements to cover contractors. Booking costs are lower as a result.

• Access restricted flexible fares.

• Millions saved due to the ability to access deeper discount flexible fares.

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