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Automated mass booking solutions help streamline travel management, cut travel costs by over 70% and save millions annually.
A customised solution helped a mining giant to optimise travel to mission-critical remote sites and experience gold-level VIP travel.







The Situation

A mining company used a travel management company (TMC) yet service and software weren’t meeting needs and expectations. The company wasn’t able to access the best fully flexible fares, couldn’t effectively manage fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) travel for workers and had too many unused credits. On top of all that, it couldn’t provide the right travel experience for VIP travellers.

The Solution

American Express Global Business Travel (Amex GBT) stepped in and worked closely with the mining company to customise Amex GBT’s proprietary automated mass booking solution according to needs. The solution was integrated with the company’s crew management tools to optimise travel to mission-critical remote destinations, including remote iron ore and copper mines.

The Results

The company cut travel costs to and from its mine in South Australia by over 70% and eliminated inefficiencies internally.

The company faced several major challenges with its global travel solutions before partnering with Amex GBT. Yet, one of the biggest issues was the inability to access the best fully flexible fares for travel which resulted in paying more for flights than necessary.

Besides that, employees couldn’t effectively manage FIFO travel for its workers. Employees used to book huge FIFO rosters for thousands of travellers a week, but now each trip had to be booked individually, costing time and money.

Additionally, employees couldn’t effectively use credits stored with the TMC, so they weren’t maximising the value of the credits. That had a negative impact on cost efficiencies.

And since VIP bookings were made incorrectly, VIP travellers were left stranded at airports faced with solving their travel disruptions themselves. When they arrived at hotels, they often found their accommodation was not booked and, in some instances, they were sent the wrong invoices.

Amex GBT traveled to Adelaide to collaborate and develop a custom-fit solution for the company’s travel management team in Australia. Amex GBT integrated its automated mass booking tool into the team’s crew management system. API access made it simple for travel managers to use systems they were already familiar with to better manage travel to mission-critical point destinations, including remote iron and copper mines.

The company’s travel management team was able to eliminate travel functions because of new efficiencies and speed, enabled by Amex GBT’s automated mass booking solutions. The newly empowered team has reduced travel costs to and from their mine in Adelaide and can handle month-long booking windows for their petroleum unit within hours. FIFO travel is now handled automatically for thousands of workers, revealing annual savings. By partnering with Amex GBT, executives have a new white-glove service with gold-level VIP offerings, which has been a game changer. Overall, the travel management experience has been a success with:

• 17% less travel costs to and from critical mine sites.

• Millions of dollars saved annually due to optimised travel.

Travel with Confidence

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