Organisations across the globe are looking to increase the effectiveness and compliance of their meetings & events spend. While many of them will incorporate a Strategic Meetings Management (SMM) program, in some cases, these programs can be more comprehensive and convoluted than an organisation really needs.

There are four stages to SMM, and each organisation should decide for themselves what structures they should implement and investments they should make to manage their meetings.

We recently released a report covering these four stages, by benchmarking a range of companies as part of our 2018 Global Meetings and Events Forecast. In the survey, these companies were asked a number of questions on their implementation, definition and adoption of meetings management practices. Based on their scores, companies were categorised into one of the four SMM stages, being:

  1. Individualised
  2. Consolidated
  3. Strategic
  4. Optimised

To view this special report and see where companies surveyed sit on the continuum and the benefits they are deriving from SMM, please click here. More importantly, to better understand how your organisation would score, and the potential next steps on your meetings management journey, take our online program assessment.